A Mother's Prayer....

Today my son, Ian, is leaving Afghanistan after serving a long and often traumatic year. (If you are interested in looking over his postings please go to: eaglestory.blogspot.com) I find myself a bit anxious about how he will handle re-entry into the world at his homebase in Germany...and then I must realize that I am not doing him any good with my worry. I must affirm for him that all will go smoothly and that he is a Divine child residing in the heart of the Eternal. He has his karma to bear and work through. It is still hard, even after all this time and all the study that I have put into working on my attachments and learning acceptance, to not wish to interfere or offer him advice that is unsolicited. I want to control the conditions of his homecoming and provide him a safe and soft place to land. To shelter him from any further pain and sharp edges of life. To wipe away his memories of this war, to feed him all his favorite foods, and to hold him close until he falls into a gentle slumber.
And in the end I find myself with just one single thing that I can do: meditate and pray and continue to learn to trust that the things which are not within my control are never outside Divine order.
And so I pray: Heavenly Eternal One, in all your great Mercy, please hold my son, Ian, within your boundless compassion and Holy grace as he returns from war and begins to heal. Please soften any hard places within his soul and shine the clear and golden light of your Love in all the dark corners of his mind so that he may find peace within his heart. I ask that all your heavenly workers guide him in these hard days to follow and help him to know the true peace that comes from forgiveness of himself and others. We thank you for your ever-present Divine wisdom and guidance and we extend this prayer to all our service men and women, wherever they are, dead or living, and to all those who love them deeply. And so it is.
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