Enlightened Activism

As I do in my daily practice, I have avoided using this blogsite to discuss the issue of politics. In my experience it is a topic so emotional for most people that conversations around the state of the nation often get mired in destructive, divisive thinking. This only serves to create and perpetuate the sense of separation from others which can only lead one to a misunderstanding of why we are here at Earth School.
However, I am taking a little detour from my own rule because I have found this to be a truly worthy cause which is promoting understanding and unity. They are well organized and getting national recognition currently. There is a particularly excellent speech by Marianne Williamson in which she notes that the time to advocate for a U.S. Department of Peace and Non-Violence is right now, when no one believes it can be done. They provide many options for ways to get involved.
Please take a moment to look at their website if for no other reason than to uplift your spirit in knowing that, during this time of turmoil in our nation's history, there is a very bright light of peace and goodness burning.
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