The Pain in My TOE!!
I woke up with it early this morning. Throbing, pounding pain. It is being created by a hard lump of unidentifiable "stuff" lodged under my skin on the inside of my right big toe.
I have no idea what it is. No puncture to indicate a poke or bite of some kind. There is swelling (hence, "pain") but no discoloration. No warning of its arrival. It is just showed up and I do not have any more information about it other than a) it has arisen, and b) it is abiding as we speak.
Now, given the teaching of anatta, or no permanent existence, there will be a "c)" to follow: this too shall pass. Small comfort. In the meantime I meditate on the frailty of the human body and the unbelievably sharp, tight focus on the present moment that living with big toe pain offers as an opportunity to practice every bleeping moment meditation. And uncomplaining, all acceptance.
Sort of. >:~(
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