
A sacred space for sharing and adding healing energy into our world. You can also find me at my website

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Location: Pacific Northwest

I have a private practice as a Spiritual Director, I'm an interfaith minister with Buddhism being my primary practice, and currently work as a nurse at the local hospice and in senior care. I am finishing my studies toward a Ph.D. in Transpersonal Psychology. Previous to this, I spent three years training to become a Buddhist monk. That followed an eleven year career in cognitive neuropsychology and brain electrophysiology. I am fluent in cat and hopeless at making a really good trifle.

Friday, October 13, 2006


It Just Is

This posting goes out with deepest bows and gratitude to my mother, Ethyle Beatty Mortara, who would have been 82 today. May the merit of this blessing go out to all beings who are suffering, especially those suffering from the complications of diabetes. May All Beings Be At Peace.


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