...It Continues...

But tired I am. Oh, sure, the normal writing of the 1667 words per day needed to keep on track doesn't take too long. Maybe an hour and some. That's if you have some idea about where you're actually headed with the thing. And if your main character doesn't all of a sudden decide to explore Istanbul and you have to scurry off to Google the place and try to figure out what's there. And if the procrastination demon doesn't drag you all over the internet in a sudden fury of needing to read blogs and myspace and the weather sites and the music sites etc. And, of course, that's if you all of a sudden don't have this incredible passion for housecleaning. Given all those "if"s the 1667 words might actually take you about 12.75 hours to write. Or more.
And, in the end, I'm having a hoot and a howl because it's so much FUN!!
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