Heading Toward the Finish Line!!

Woo Hoo!! Yes, boys and girls, I'm less than 1200 words to the finish line of this year's novel writing challenge!! I figure that I will cross it with flourish by tonight. I'm having a blast going neck and neck with some of my NaNoWriMo compadres here in town. I'm savouring the moments here at the end as I see it in sight and I'm not really in a hurry to cross. When it's over, it's going to be over. Sophia, Delmer, Helene, Harley and Dane will have come to their combined resolutions and will begin to fade from my consciousness, while the reality of my here and now will take up clarity once again. It's been fun and lots of lessons have come my way during the process. Truly the journey has been far more important than the goal.
Nevertheless, stepping over that finish line is going to be cause for celebration!
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