
A sacred space for sharing and adding healing energy into our world. You can also find me at my website

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Location: Pacific Northwest

I have a private practice as a Spiritual Director, I'm an interfaith minister with Buddhism being my primary practice, and currently work as a nurse at the local hospice and in senior care. I am finishing my studies toward a Ph.D. in Transpersonal Psychology. Previous to this, I spent three years training to become a Buddhist monk. That followed an eleven year career in cognitive neuropsychology and brain electrophysiology. I am fluent in cat and hopeless at making a really good trifle.

Friday, May 05, 2006

Call of the Han

The han is a wooden block which is located outside the meditation hall. It is struck approximately 10 minutes prior to a meditation period. I have always had a love/hate relationship with this particular instrument. When I was the one behind the striking mallet I loved it. When I had to endure the often ear-splitting crack of it, and I was late, tired, frustrated, or wanting to get that 'one more minute' of work done on some project of the moment I simply abhored that sound.

Somehow, despite my best ego-will, that sound has gotten into my blood and bones. I miss it when I do not hear it here at home. Somewhere along the Way it ceased to be a marker of time and became a call, an invitation, from the Eternal to drop the worldly ways and mind, to come back to our true home, our place of rest.

In the end, that very invitation is beyond sound and we learn to hearken and respond to it with the Eye that hears and the ears that See.


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