Cool Times

In the cool times we find there is often little besides ordinary life to attend to and our experience of our emotions is often 'dead'. We are not even really depressed...there is just a 'nothing' to life. It seemingly lacks impetus and motivation. Many people, myself included, find these patches of training often more difficult than the fiery times. There appears to be a disconnect to, and disinterest in, our lives and ourselves. Sometimes there even feels like a disconnect to the Eternal. We seem to be adrift in a void.
My teachers were always very candid and acknowledged that they, too, had their cool training times. Some of them still went through these even after 30 years. The way to train through them is just the same as with all other training: sit with it and know that it is impermanent and change will come. And, as with all other moments in our lives, continue to practice with uncomplaining all-acceptance and the attitude of gratitude.
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