The Second Half of Breathing

Today has just been one of those days. I kept running into...inspiration. And not having a clue what to do next.
Ordinarily, this would not seem to be a problem for me. I have spent too many days of my life wandering around in deep funks, fogs, and pits of despair. During these times I would long for just a tiny bit of inspiration to get me going. Just a little spiritual kick in the pants to get the energy moving.
Today I just found moment after moment of "Oh! And I could do this!..." "Oh! Or I could do that!" "Oh! And what about this??..." It seems like all those books and workshops and CD's on manifesting have all done their job and my life is popping up daisies and roses and lake-side properties in Canada just waving hello and calling out, "Here we are!! Just like you asked!" (OK, to be fair, I don't remember the Canada part, but I wasn't very specific so...)
Oh...the problem? Well, inspiration after inspiration after inspiration ends up leading me to do little more than hold my breath. I forget to participate in the second half of breathing....exhaling. Letting it out, letting it go. That is the part of the cycle of manifestation that I so often forget. It is here and the Eternal is now asking of me: Are you as willing to let it out as you are to let it in? This is the question of the Still, Small Voice that is neither insistant nor resistant. And so may I learn to be through the stilling of my mind, the quieting of my heart, the small moment of breathing out and letting all be at peace.